[中] 还要多少?
[方] 寄到北京要多少晨光?
[中] 什么时候能寄到北京。
[方] 还要买菜,买肉,买日用品。
[中] 还要买菜、买肉、买日用品。
[英] And buy some vegetables, meat, and daily necessities.
[方] 伐来三,吾还要调点零钞票。
[中] 不行,我还要换些零钱。
[英] No, I would like to exchange some money.
[方] 还要一眼眼。
[中] 还要一点。
[方] 诶米的离个的多少远啊?
[中] 那里离这儿多远?
[英] How far is it from there to here?
[方] 王强,侬看看,格地方多少漂亮啊。
[中] 王强,你看看,多漂亮的地方啊!
[方] 票子多少钞票?
[中] 票价多少钱?
[英] How much does the ticket cost?
[方] 来回票多少钞票?
[中] 往返票价多少钱?
[英] How much will the return fares cost?
[方] 从个的到机场有多少公里?
[中] 从这到机场有多少公里?
[方] 才好伐?
[中] 一切还好吧?
[英] How's everything?
[方] 拿爸爸妈妈呢, 伊拉好伐?
[中] 你父母呢?还好吧?
[英] What about your parents? Are they all right?
[方] 车费多少?
[中] 车费多少钱?
[方] 侬现在到啊里得去啊?
[中] 你现在要去哪?
[英] Where are you going now?
[方] 伐管哪能,才要谢谢侬额。
[中] 无论如何,都要感谢你。
[英] Thank you all the same.
[方] 请问侬存多少钞票。
[中] 请问存多少钱?
[英] How much do you want to deposit?
[方] 还是吾自己来介绍伐!
[中] 还是我自己介绍吧。
[英] Please let me introduce myself.
[方] 伐了海,伊还么回来。
[中] 不在,他还没回来。
[英] No, he hasn't been back yet.
[方] 请问存款利息多少?
[中] 请问存款利息是多少?
[英] What's the interest on deposit?
[方] 伐要客气。
[中] 不用客气。
[英] You're welcome.