[中] 他们怎么抢走你的背包?
[英] How did they snatch away your bag?
[方] 吾额背包。
[中] 我的背包。
[英] My bag.
[方] 萨物事被抢特了?
[中] 抢走了什么东西?
[英] What did they take away?
[方] 侬哪能发觉额?
[中] 你怎么发现的?
[英] How did you find out it?
[方] 谢谢侬额关心。
[中] 谢谢你的问候。
[英] Thank you.
[方] 伊哪能还么回来?
[中] 她怎么还没来?
[英] Why is she not coming yet?
[方] 今朝哪能睏懒觉了啦。
[中] 今天怎么睡懒觉呢?
[英] Why are you sleeping in today?
[方] 伊拉罗嗦。
[中] 他们唠唠叨叨的。
[方] 伊拉蛮好,老好额!
[中] 他们不错,非常好!
[英] They are very well!
[方] 侬哪能还么到?
[中] 你怎么还没到?
[英] Why are you still absent?
[方] 请问去世纪公园哪能走?
[中] 请问去世纪公园怎么走?
[方] 有机会吾介绍那认得。
[中] 有机会我介绍你认识他们。
[英] I will introduce you to them next time.
[方] 侬生日啊里一天啊?
[中] 你的生日是哪一天?
[英] What date is your birthday?
[方] 吾帮伊拉刚,谈朋友额晨光是朋友。
[中] 我对他们讲,恋爱时是朋友。
[方] 侬今朝哪能么上班?
[中] 你今天怎么没上班。
[英] Why didn't you work today?
[方] 吾经常约伊拉散步,聊天。
[中] 我经常约他们散步,聊天。
[英] I often invite them out to walk and chat.
[方] 侬最高学历是萨?
[中] 你的最高学历是什么?
[英] What is your highest degree held?
[方] 伊拉就挠气册了吾身浪相。
[中] 他们把怨气发泄在我身上。
[英] They work off their anger on me.
[方] 吾伐睬伊拉。
[中] 我对他们骂人不予理睬。
[英] I just ignore them.
[方] 老谢谢侬帮忙额。
[中] 承蒙你的帮助,非常感谢。
[英] I am very grateful for your help.