[中] 兴奋的我一夜都未睡着觉。
[英] I was so excited that I was awaken the whole night.
[方] 请把吾一杯热咖啡。
[中] 请给我一杯热咖啡。
[英] Please give me a cup of hot coffee.
[方] 吾老萨度额,昨天夜里睏伐着。
[中] 我很困,昨夜我睡不着。
[英] I am very sleepy, I couldn't get to sleep last night.
[方] 今朝哪能睏懒觉了啦。
[中] 今天怎么睡懒觉呢?
[英] Why are you sleeping in today?
[方] 才会的好额。
[中] 一切都会好的。
[英] Everything will be right.
[方] 每天睏7-8额钟头。
[中] 每晚睡7-8个小时。
[英] I sleep for seven to eight hour every night.
[方] 好额,今朝夜到阿拉一道去看电影。
[中] 好吧,今晚我们一起去看电影。
[英] Well, we'll go to see a movie tonight.
[方] 夜到7点20分切饭。
[中] 晚上7点20分吃饭。
[英] And I usually have my dinner at seven twenty.
[方] 朋友才是一辈子额财富。
[中] 朋友都是一辈子的财富。
[英] Friends are lifelong wealth.
[方] 阿拉额商品才是优惠价。
[中] 我们的商品都是优惠价。
[英] Our goods are all at a concession rate.
[方] 请带侬先生一道来白相好了。
[中] 请带上你的先生到我这来玩吧。
[英] Please come with your husband and have fun.
[方] 吾才检查过了。
[中] 我都检查过了。
[英] I 've checked them all.
[方] 才蛮好,谢谢侬。
[中] 都好,谢谢!
[英] We are doing fine, thank you.
[方] 伐管哪能,才要谢谢侬额。
[中] 无论如何,都要感谢你。
[英] Thank you all the same.
[方] 伐过,吾有一额小外甥。
[中] 但我有一个小外甥。
[英] But I have a little nephew.
[方] 侬生日啊里一天啊?
[中] 你的生日是哪一天?
[英] What date is your birthday?
[方] 阿拉才表现得老好额。
[中] 我们表现得都很好。
[方] 检查检查,么子才带齐了伐。
[中] 检查一下,东西都带齐了吗?
[英] Check if you get everything packed.
[方] 么撒特别额。
[中] 没有什么特别的。
[英] Nothing special.
[方] 吾老好额,侬呢?
[中] 我很好!你呢?