[中] 三是旅行婚礼。
[英] The third chioce is to have a wedding travel.
[方] 要么西式额?
[中] 二是西式婚礼。
[英] The second choice is a western wedding ceremony.
[方] 办中式额。
[中] 办中式婚礼。
[英] I want to have a Chinese traditional wedding.
[方] 三个号头一年利息是1.17。
[中] 三个月的年利率是:1.17。
[方] 伐来三,绝对伐可以。
[中] 不行,绝对不行。
[英] No, absolutely not.
[方] 吾想打只电话,来三伐?
[中] 我想打个电话,行吗?
[英] Is it ok if I make a telephone call?
[方] 伐好意思,请帮吾转过去来三伐?
[中] 打扰了,请帮我转过去行吗?
[英] Sorry. Could you please put me through to him?
[方] 阿拉要三碗饭。
[中] 我们要三碗米饭。
[英] We want three bowls of rice.
[方] 侬看个双鞋子来三伐?
[中] 你看这双鞋是否合适。
[英] Please try this pair of shoes on to see whether they fit.
[方] 伐来三,吾还要调点零钞票。
[中] 不行,我还要换些零钱。
[英] No, I would like to exchange some money.
[方] 一般,伐是老好。
[中] 一般,不是很好。
[英] so so.
[方] 小黄,个是萨宁啊?
[中] 小黄,这是谁呀?
[中] 定期存款三个月至五年利率不同。
[英] The interest rate for the fixed deposit varies with the time span (from three months to five years).
[方] 过去额三年晨光白白浪费特了。
[中] 过去的三年时间白费了。
[英] The past three years was wasted.
[方] 个是吾朋友。
[中] 这是我的朋友。
[英] This is my friend.
[方] 还是吾自己来介绍伐!
[中] 还是我自己介绍吧。
[英] Please let me introduce myself.
[方] 阿拉谈了快三年了。
[中] 我们相恋快三年了。
[中] 不行,因为我想嫁给有钱人。
[英] No, because I want to marry a wealthy man.
[方] 吾是上海额。
[中] 我来自上海。
[方] 侬是从广州来额伐?
[中] 你是从广州来的吗?
[英] Are you from Guangzhou?