[中] 主食是什么?
[方] 是撒网站?
[中] 是什么网站?
[方] 侬最高学历是萨?
[中] 你的最高学历是什么?
[英] What is your highest degree held?
[方] 侬是萨辰光来额?
[中] 你是什么时候来的?
[英] When did you arrive here?
[方] 寄额是萨?
[中] 寄的是什么?
[英] What do you want to send?
[方] 是萨样子额刀,有多少长?
[中] 是什么样式的刀?有多长?
[英] What kind of knives? How long were they?
[方] 大名叫啥?
[中] 全名是什么?
[方] 今朝是啥日脚?
[中] 今天是什么日子?
[方] 勿好意思搿条路是啥路?
[中] 请问这条路是什么路?
[方] 搿是啥物事?
[中] 这是什么东西?
[方] 有撒好事体伐?
[中] 有什么好事吗?
[英] Anything good happening?;Any good news?
[方] 一般,伐是老好。
[中] 一般,不是很好。
[英] so so.
[方] 小黄,个是萨宁啊?
[中] 小黄,这是谁呀?
[方] 么撒特别额。
[中] 没有什么特别的。
[英] Nothing special.
[方] 侬叫撒名字啊?
[中] 你叫什么名字?
[英] What's your name?
[方] 个是吾朋友。
[中] 这是我的朋友。
[英] This is my friend.
[方] 还是吾自己来介绍伐!
[中] 还是我自己介绍吧。
[英] Please let me introduce myself.
[方] 侬现在做萨额?
[中] 你现在做什么呢?
[英] What are you doing now?
[方] 侬晓得伊萨辰光回来伐?
[中] 你知道他什么时候回来吗?
[英] Do you have any ideas when he'll be back?
[方] 吾是上海额。
[中] 我来自上海。