[中] 工作中绝不能骂人、吵架。
[英] We shouldn't abuse and quarrel at work.
[方] 绝对伐可以凶来兮额。
[中] 绝不能蛮横。
[英] We shouldn't behave in a rude and unreasonable manner.
[方] 吾伐睬伊拉。
[中] 我对他们骂人不予理睬。
[英] I just ignore them.
[方] 最近工作哪能?
[中] 近来工作如何?
[英] How about your work these days?
[方] 请侬刚刚侬准备将来哪能工作。
[中] 请简述一下你将如何开展工作。
[英] Please tell me briefly how you will carry out the job.
[方] 祝侬学习取得更好额成绩。
[中] 祝你在学习中取得更好的成绩。
[英] Wish you a higher academic achievement in study.
[方] 中浪相,吾要去修吾额表。
[中] 中午,我要去修一下我的表。
[英] I will go and get my watch fixed at noon.
[方] 结婚是一生当中额大事体。
[中] 结婚是一生中的一件大事。
[英] Getting married is a great event in one's life.
[方] 工作老忙额,还要自学英文
[中] 工作很忙,还要自学英语。
[方] 弄是来工作额伐?
[中] 你是来工作的吗?
[英] Do you come here to work?
[方] 阿拉萨辰光开始工作?
[中] 我们什么时候开始工作?
[英] When are we going to start working?
[方] 伊总归工作第一。
[中] 他总是把工作放在首位。
[英] He always put his job first.
[方] 么宁能理解伊现在额感受。
[中] 没人能理解他现在的感受。
[英] Nobody can understand what he is going through now.
[方] 窝里相宁好伐?
[中] 家人怎么样?
[英] How is your family?
[方] 侬已经工作5年了。
[中] 你已经工作5年了。
[英] So you've worked for 5 years.
[方] 格几年吾一直努力工作。
[中] 这几年我一直努力工作。
[英] I've been working hard all these years.
[方] 拿窝里相宁老好额。
[中] 你们家里的人很好呀。
[英] Your family are friendly.
[方] 两额宁总归观点伐一样。
[中] 两人很难有统一的观点。
[英] And they always hold different standpoints.
[方] 侬做过个种工作伐?
[中] 你从事过这种工作吗?
[英] Have you undertaken this kind of job?
[方] 侬最近哪能?
[中] 你最近怎么样?