[中] 你从事过这种工作吗?
[英] Have you undertaken this kind of job?
[方] 弄是来工作额伐?
[中] 你是来工作的吗?
[英] Do you come here to work?
[方] 侬个种情况有几天了?
[中] 你这种情况有几天了。
[英] How long have you got this symptom?
[方] 侬早饭切过伐?
[中] 你吃早饭了吗?
[英] Have you had your breakfast?
[方] 最近工作哪能?
[中] 近来工作如何?
[英] How about your work these days?
[方] 工作老忙额,还要自学英文
[中] 工作很忙,还要自学英语。
[方] 侬发寒热伐,阿里的难过?
[中] 你发烧吗?哪儿感觉难受?
[英] Do you have a fever? What's troubling you?
[方] 阿拉萨辰光开始工作?
[中] 我们什么时候开始工作?
[英] When are we going to start working?
[方] 伊总归工作第一。
[中] 他总是把工作放在首位。
[英] He always put his job first.
[方] 侬得过肺炎伐?
[中] 你得过肺炎吗?
[英] Have you had pneumonia?
[方] 侬呢,过了好伐?
[中] 你呢?过得怎么样?
[英] How are you getting on?
[方] 侬已经工作5年了。
[中] 你已经工作5年了。
[英] So you've worked for 5 years.
[方] 格几年吾一直努力工作。
[中] 这几年我一直努力工作。
[英] I've been working hard all these years.
[方] 侬过奖了。
[中] 你过奖了。
[英] I'm flattered.
[方] 吾了格的过了交关开心。
[中] 我在这里过得非常开心。
[英] I really had a good time here.
[方] 吾才检查过了。
[中] 我都检查过了。
[英] I 've checked them all.
[方] 有撒好事体伐?
[中] 有什么好事吗?
[英] Anything good happening?;Any good news?
[方] 侬是从广州来额伐?
[中] 你是从广州来的吗?
[英] Are you from Guangzhou?
[方] 伐过,吾有一额小外甥。
[中] 但我有一个小外甥。
[英] But I have a little nephew.
[方] 伐过,现在好交关了。
[中] 但是,现在好多了。
[英] However, it's getting a lot better.