[中] 没人能理解他现在的感受。
[英] Nobody can understand what he is going through now.
[方] 现在电信业老发达额。
[中] 现在的电信业很发达。
[英] The telecommunication industry is well developed nowadays.
[方] 现在额商店,越造越大。
[中] 现在的商场,越建越大。
[方] 吾理解侬额心情。
[中] 我理解你的心情。
[方] 现在了海准备高考。
[中] 他正在准备高考。
[方] 侬觉得个的哪能?
[中] 你觉得这里怎么样?
[英] How do you think of this place?
[方] 窝里相宁好伐?
[中] 家人怎么样?
[英] How is your family?
[方] 侬最近哪能?
[中] 你最近怎么样?
[方] 现在了海上海师范大学当老师。
[中] 现在在上海师范大学当老师。
[方] 伐了海,伊还么回来。
[中] 不在,他还没回来。
[英] No, he hasn't been back yet.
[方] 侬晓得伊萨辰光回来伐?
[中] 你知道他什么时候回来吗?
[英] Do you have any ideas when he'll be back?
[方] 侬现在做萨额?
[中] 你现在做什么呢?
[英] What are you doing now?
[方] 最近工作哪能?
[中] 近来工作如何?
[英] How about your work these days?
[方] 拿窝里相宁老好额。
[中] 你们家里的人很好呀。
[英] Your family are friendly.
[方] 侬身体哪能?
[中] 你身体怎么样?
[英] How are you?
[方] 侬现在到啊里得去啊?
[中] 你现在要去哪?
[英] Where are you going now?
[方] 吾想帮伊一道去世纪公园。
[中] 我想跟他一起去世纪公园。
[方] 侬帮伊刚一声,好伐?
[中] 请告诉他好吗?
[英] Could you please tell him?
[方] 现在吾下去晨练。
[中] 现在我下楼去晨练。
[英] I am going downstairs to do moring exercises now.
[方] 侬觉则哪能?
[中] 你觉得怎么样?
[英] What do you think of it?