[中] 从这到机场有多少公里?
[方] 吾到机场去送侬。
[中] 我到机场给你送别。
[英] I will go to the airport to see you off.
[方] 吾去机场。
[中] 我去机场。
[方] 侬啊里得额啊?
[中] 你从哪来?
[英] Where do you come from?
[方] 侬是从广州来额伐?
[中] 你是从广州来的吗?
[英] Are you from Guangzhou?
[方] 格有萨吓宁额。
[中] 这没什么可怕的。
[方] 诶米的离个的多少远啊?
[中] 那里离这儿多远?
[英] How far is it from there to here?
[方] 王强,侬看看,格地方多少漂亮啊。
[中] 王强,你看看,多漂亮的地方啊!
[方] 请带侬先生一道来白相好了。
[中] 请带上你的先生到我这来玩吧。
[英] Please come with your husband and have fun.
[方] 妈妈,今朝有朋友到窝里相来白相。
[中] 妈妈,今天要有朋友到家里玩。
[英] Mum, a friend of mine will come to visit us today.
[方] 票子多少钞票?
[中] 票价多少钱?
[英] How much does the ticket cost?
[方] 来回票多少钞票?
[中] 往返票价多少钱?
[英] How much will the return fares cost?
[方] 有撒好事体伐?
[中] 有什么好事吗?
[英] Anything good happening?;Any good news?
[方] 小黄,个是萨宁啊?
[中] 小黄,这是谁呀?
[方] 个是吾朋友。
[中] 这是我的朋友。
[英] This is my friend.
[方] 侬有萨爱好伐?
[中] 你有什么爱好吗?
[英] Do you have any hobbies?
[方] 李立经常刚到侬额。
[中] 李立经常谈起你。
[方] 侬现在到啊里得去啊?
[中] 你现在要去哪?
[英] Where are you going now?
[方] 还有别额事体伐?
[中] 还有别的事吗?
[英] Anything else?
[方] 个只手机蛮好额,好看看较伐?
[中] 这部手机不错,可以看看吗?