[中] 天气预报说今天是个好天气。
[英] The weather forecast says that the weather is fine today.
[方] 今朝天气哪能?
[中] 今天天气怎么样?
[英] What's the weather like today?
[方] 今朝礼拜几?
[中] 今天是星期几?
[英] What day is it today?
[方] 今朝礼拜六。
[中] 今天是星期六。
[英] It is Saturday today.
[方] 今朝是几月几号?
[中] 今天是几月几日?
[英] What is the date today?
[方] 有句言话刚了好。
[中] 有句话说的好:
[英] A saying goes like this:
[方] 今朝是三月10号。
[中] 今天是3月10日。
[英] It is March 10th.
[方] 吾听伐清爽侬刚言话。
[中] 我听不清你说话。
[英] I can't hear you clearly.
[方] 个只手机蛮好额,好看看较伐?
[中] 这部手机不错,可以看看吗?
[方] 吾来做则自我介绍。
[中] 我来做个自我介绍。
[英] Let me introduce myself.
[方] 侬觉得个的哪能?
[中] 你觉得这里怎么样?
[英] How do you think of this place?
[方] 侬好,碰到侬交关开心。
[中] 你好!遇见你真高兴。
[英] hello! Nice to meet you.
[方] 吾老好额,侬呢?
[中] 我很好!你呢?
[方] 吾想打只电话,来三伐?
[中] 我想打个电话,行吗?
[英] Is it ok if I make a telephone call?
[方] 侬今朝下半天有辰光伐?
[中] 你今天下午有时间吗?
[英] Are you free this afternoon?
[方] 伐好意思,吾今朝下半天么辰光。
[中] 对不起,今天下午没有时间。
[英] I'm sorry. I don't have time this afternoon.
[方] 诶米的离个的多少远啊?
[中] 那里离这儿多远?
[英] How far is it from there to here?
[方] 吾啊老好额。
[中] 我也很好!
[英] I am fine too.
[方] 还是吾自己来介绍伐!
[中] 还是我自己介绍吧。
[英] Please let me introduce myself.
[方] 吾是上海额。
[中] 我来自上海。