[中] 请记住以下电话号码:
[英] Please keep in mind the following telephone number:
[方] 伊晓得侬电话号头伐?
[中] 他知道你的电话号码吗?
[英] Does he know your phone number?
[方] 侬留留侬额姓名脱电话。
[中] 请留下你的姓名和电话。
[英] Please tell me your name and phone number.
[中] 我的手机号码是:12345678901
[英] My mobile phone number is 12345678901.
[方] 侬穿萨尺寸额鞋子?
[中] 你穿多大号码的鞋。
[英] what is your shoes' size?
[方] 吾想打只电话,来三伐?
[中] 我想打个电话,行吗?
[英] Is it ok if I make a telephone call?
[方] 还是先去打扎电话算了。
[中] 还是先去打个电话吧。
[英] I'll go and make a call first.
[方] 代吾帮拿窝里相问好。
[中] 请代我向你全家问好。
[英] Please remember me to your families.
[方] 侬帮伊刚一声,好伐?
[中] 请告诉他好吗?
[英] Could you please tell him?
[方] 等伊回来让伊打电话把吾。
[中] 等他回来让他给我回个电话。
[英] OK. Would you please ask him to call me when he's back?
[方] 过30分钟让伊回电话把侬。
[中] 30分钟后让他给你回电话。
[英] He will call you back in 30 munites.
[方] 请伊帮吾补习英文。
[中] 请她帮我补习英语。
[英] I want her to help with my English.
[方] 么问题,侬打好了。
[中] 没问题,请打吧。
[英] No problem, please make your call.
[方] 小李,刚刚有则电话寻侬。
[中] 小李,刚才有你一个电话。
[方] 格是伊额姓名特电话。
[中] 这是他的姓名和电话。
[英] Here is his name and phone number.
[方] 吾想请侬去参观科技馆。
[中] 我想请你去参观科技馆。
[方] 请带侬先生一道来白相好了。
[中] 请带上你的先生到我这来玩吧。
[英] Please come with your husband and have fun.
[方] 侬好像打错特电话了。
[中] 你好像打错电话了。
[英] Sorry. You dialed the wrong number.
[方] 吾想请侬参加吾额生日聚会。
[中] 我想请你参加我的生日聚会。
[英] I'd like to invite you to my birthday party.
[方] 请侬伐要急。
[中] 请不要着急。