[中] 他们使用凶器了吗?
[英] Did they use any weapons?
[方] 检查检查,么子才带齐了伐。
[中] 检查一下,东西都带齐了吗?
[英] Check if you get everything packed.
[方] 侬早饭切过伐?
[中] 你吃早饭了吗?
[英] Have you had your breakfast?
[方] 正确使用中文大写数字
[中] 正确使用中文大写数字:
[英] Use the capital forms of Chinese numerals correctly:
[方] 填写票据应该用钢笔或者碳素笔。
[中] 填写票据应使用墨汁或碳素笔。
[英] To fill in a bill, Chinese ink or a carbon pen should be used.
[方] 火车票买到了伐?
[中] 火车票买到了吗?
[英] Have you got the train ticket?
[方] 寻老板谈过伐?
[中] 找老板谈了吗?
[英] Have you had a talk with your boss?
[方] 伊拉蛮好,老好额!
[中] 他们不错,非常好!
[英] They are very well!
[方] 有机会吾介绍那认得。
[中] 有机会我介绍你认识他们。
[英] I will introduce you to them next time.
[方] 吾帮伊拉刚,谈朋友额晨光是朋友。
[中] 我对他们讲,恋爱时是朋友。
[方] 吾经常约伊拉散步,聊天。
[中] 我经常约他们散步,聊天。
[英] I often invite them out to walk and chat.
[方] 伊拉罗嗦。
[中] 他们唠唠叨叨的。
[方] 吾伐睬伊拉。
[中] 我对他们骂人不予理睬。
[英] I just ignore them.
[方] 吾对伊拉刚道理么兴趣。
[中] 我对他们说教不感兴趣。
[英] I'm not interested in their preaching.
[方] 有撒好事体伐?
[中] 有什么好事吗?
[英] Anything good happening?;Any good news?
[方] 现在了海准备高考。
[中] 他正在准备高考。
[方] 侬呢,过了好伐?
[中] 你呢?过得怎么样?
[英] How are you getting on?
[方] 侬是从广州来额伐?
[中] 你是从广州来的吗?
[英] Are you from Guangzhou?
[方] 阿拉马上去寻伊拉。
[中] 我们马上去见他们。
[英] Let's go and see them at once.
[方] 对伊拉额要求要尽量做到。
[中] 对他们的要求尽量解决。
[英] We should try our best to meet their requirements.