[中] 租金多少?怎么交水费、电费和煤气费?
[方] 侬好,碰到侬交关开心。
[中] 你好!遇见你真高兴。
[英] hello! Nice to meet you.
[方] 伊哪能还么回来?
[中] 她怎么还没来?
[英] Why is she not coming yet?
[方] 今朝哪能睏懒觉了啦。
[中] 今天怎么睡懒觉呢?
[英] Why are you sleeping in today?
[方] 侬额英文刚了交关好。
[中] 你的英语讲得真好。
[方] 吾了格的过了交关开心。
[中] 我在这里过得非常开心。
[英] I really had a good time here.
[方] 侬哪能还么到?
[中] 你怎么还没到?
[英] Why are you still absent?
[方] 诶米的离个的多少远啊?
[中] 那里离这儿多远?
[英] How far is it from there to here?
[方] 王强,侬看看,格地方多少漂亮啊。
[中] 王强,你看看,多漂亮的地方啊!
[方] 请问去世纪公园哪能走?
[中] 请问去世纪公园怎么走?
[方] 快走,慢交赶不上班车了。
[中] 快点走吧,否则赶不上班车了。
[英] Hurry up, or you will miss the shuttle bus.
[方] 慢交清理垃圾。
[中] 然后清理垃圾。
[英] And then get rid of the garbage.
[方] 侬今朝哪能么上班?
[中] 你今天怎么没上班。
[英] Why didn't you work today?
[方] 票子多少钞票?
[中] 票价多少钱?
[英] How much does the ticket cost?
[方] 来回票多少钞票?
[中] 往返票价多少钱?
[英] How much will the return fares cost?
[方] 侬哪能发觉额?
[中] 你怎么发现的?
[英] How did you find out it?
[方] 伐过,现在好交关了。
[中] 但是,现在好多了。
[英] However, it's getting a lot better.
[方] 吾看交。
[中] 我看一下表。
[英] Let me check my watch.
[方] 伊拉哪能抢侬额背包额。
[中] 他们怎么抢走你的背包?
[英] How did they snatch away your bag?
[方] 从个的到机场有多少公里?
[中] 从这到机场有多少公里?