[中] 今天过来,有些什么事啊?
[方] 发生了萨事体?
[中] 发生了什么事?
[英] What's going on?;What happened?
[方] 今朝有点撒额特色菜?
[中] 今天有什么特色的菜?
[英] Are there any special dishes today?
[方] 萨物事被抢特了?
[中] 抢走了什么东西?
[英] What did they take away?
[方] 叫拿爸爸买点菜回来。
[中] 叫你爸爸去买些菜。
[英] Ask your father to buy some food.
[方] 可以便宜点伐?
[中] 可以便宜些吗?
[英] Can you make it cheaper?
[方] 侬今朝下半天有辰光伐?
[中] 你今天下午有时间吗?
[英] Are you free this afternoon?
[方] 吾想挠点钞票。
[中] 我想取些钱。
[英] I would like to get some money.
[方] 保持健康是最关键额事体。
[中] 保持健康是最要紧的事。
[英] It's essential to keep in good health
[方] 请侬挠刚刚额事体再刚一刚。
[中] 请你把刚才的事仔细说一下。
[英] Please make an account of more details about what just happened.
[方] 伐来三,吾还要调点零钞票。
[中] 不行,我还要换些零钱。
[英] No, I would like to exchange some money.
[方] 今朝有点冷,穿绒线衫。
[中] 今天有点冷,把毛衣穿上。
[英] It is a little cold today, put on your sweater.
[方] 伐严重,吾帮侬开点药。
[中] 不严重,我给你开些药。
[英] Not serious, I'll give you a prescription.
[方] 多切点新鲜额蔬菜帮水果
[中] 多吃些新鲜的蔬菜和水果。
[英] Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
[方] 妈妈,今朝有朋友到窝里相来白相。
[中] 妈妈,今天要有朋友到家里玩。
[英] Mum, a friend of mine will come to visit us today.
[方] 今朝夜里侬想切点萨?
[中] 今天晚上你想吃点什么?
[英] What would you like to eat tonight?
[方] 伐好意思,吾今朝下半天么辰光。
[中] 对不起,今天下午没有时间。
[英] I'm sorry. I don't have time this afternoon.
[方] 范刚,侬今朝看起来伐错。
[中] 范刚,你今天看起来不错。
[方] 么撒特别额。
[中] 没有什么特别的。
[英] Nothing special.
[方] 还有别额事体伐?
[中] 还有别的事吗?
[英] Anything else?