[中] 我准备拿钱买票……
[方] 叫拿爸爸买点菜回来。
[中] 叫你爸爸去买些菜。
[英] Ask your father to buy some food.
[方] 个是吾把侬额钞票。
[中] 这是我给你的钱。
[英] Here is my money.
[方] 现在了海准备高考。
[中] 他正在准备高考。
[方] 来回票,请挠票子送到公司来。
[中] 往返的,请把票送到公司来。
[方] 请侬刚刚侬准备将来哪能工作。
[中] 请简述一下你将如何开展工作。
[英] Please tell me briefly how you will carry out the job.
[方] 吾想挠点钞票。
[中] 我想取些钱。
[英] I would like to get some money.
[方] 吾想存钞票。
[中] 我想存钱。
[英] I want to deposit money.
[中] 不行,因为我想嫁给有钱人。
[英] No, because I want to marry a wealthy man.
[方] 拿爸爸妈妈呢, 伊拉好伐?
[中] 你父母呢?还好吧?
[英] What about your parents? Are they all right?
[方] 还要买菜,买肉,买日用品。
[中] 还要买菜、买肉、买日用品。
[英] And buy some vegetables, meat, and daily necessities.
[方] 伐要忘记特买桶纯净水。
[中] 别忘了要桶纯净水。
[英] Don't forget to get a bucket of purified water.
[方] 帮吾拿格则芭比娃娃带把侬额小宁。
[中] 请把这个芭比娃娃带给你的孩子。
[方] 票子多少钞票?
[中] 票价多少钱?
[英] How much does the ticket cost?
[方] 来回票多少钞票?
[中] 往返票价多少钱?
[英] How much will the return fares cost?
[方] 拿窝里相宁老好额。
[中] 你们家里的人很好呀。
[英] Your family are friendly.
[方] 可以买点么子。
[中] 可以买点东西。
[英] We can do some shopping.
[方] 侬想买萨?
[中] 你想买什么?
[英] What do you want to buy?
[方] 把拿份菜单看看。
[中] 给你一份菜单看看。
[英] Here's the menu.
[方] 车费多少?
[中] 车费多少钱?