[中] 给她买块手表吧?
[英] why not buy a watch for her?
[方] 吾想买扎娃娃送把伊。
[中] 我想买一个娃娃送给她。
[英] I want to buy her a doll.;I want to buy a doll for her.
[方] 个么就买“芭菲宝宝”送把伊。
[中] 那就买“芭菲宝宝”送给她。
[方] 寻伊组撒?
[中] 找她干什么?
[英] why are you looking for her?
[方] 请伊帮吾补习英文。
[中] 请她帮我补习英语。
[英] I want her to help with my English.
[方] 伊哪能还么回来?
[中] 她怎么还没来?
[英] Why is she not coming yet?
[方] 还要买菜,买肉,买日用品。
[中] 还要买菜、买肉、买日用品。
[英] And buy some vegetables, meat, and daily necessities.
[方] 伐要忘记特买桶纯净水。
[中] 别忘了要桶纯净水。
[英] Don't forget to get a bucket of purified water.
[方] 希望伊欢喜格扎礼物。
[中] 希望她喜欢这些礼物。
[英] Hope she will like these presents.
[方] 伊是一额好妈妈。
[中] 她是一个好母亲。
[英] She is a good mother.
[方] 叫拿爸爸买点菜回来。
[中] 叫你爸爸去买些菜。
[英] Ask your father to buy some food.
[方] 阿拉爸爸买菜去了。
[中] 我爸爸去买菜了。
[英] My father has gone to buy some food.
[方] 伊就会的有外公外婆。
[中] 他(她)就会有外公外婆。
[方] 可以买点么子。
[中] 可以买点东西。
[英] We can do some shopping.
[方] 侬想买萨?
[中] 你想买什么?
[英] What do you want to buy?
[方] 吾帮女朋友买件衣裳。
[中] 我给女朋友买一件衣服。
[英] I want to buy a coat for my girlfriend.
[方] 侬想买鞋子伐?
[中] 你想买鞋吗?
[英] Do you want to buy shoes?
[方] 小姐,侬买化妆品伐?
[中] 小姐,你买化妆品吗?
[英] Excuse me, Miss, do you want to buy some cosmetics?
[方] 吾想买瓶香水。
[中] 我想买一瓶香水。
[英] I want to buy a bottle of perfume.
[方] 吾要买单。
[中] 我需要结帐。
[英] Check please!