[中] 请问去大世界怎么走?
[方] 请问去世纪公园哪能走?
[中] 请问去世纪公园怎么走?
[方] 侬要尽最大额努力去完成。
[中] 你要尽最大的努力去完成。
[方] 请问,李立了了伐?
[中] 请问,李立在吗?
[方] 伊哪能还么回来?
[中] 她怎么还没来?
[英] Why is she not coming yet?
[方] 今朝哪能睏懒觉了啦。
[中] 今天怎么睡懒觉呢?
[英] Why are you sleeping in today?
[方] 请问,宋明了了伐?
[中] 请问,宋明在吗?
[方] 请问侬是阿里位?
[中] 请问你是哪位呀?
[英] Who's speaking? Please.
[方] 侬哪能还么到?
[中] 你怎么还没到?
[英] Why are you still absent?
[方] 侬今年几岁啊?
[中] 你今年多大了?
[英] How old are you?
[方] 吾要走了,吾是来帮弄再会额。
[中] 我要走了,我来向你道别。
[英] I'm leaving, so I come to say goodbye to you.
[方] 吾该跑了。
[中] 我该走了。
[英] I must be going.
[方] 格趟侬帮了吾记大忙了。
[中] 这次你帮了我很大的忙。
[英] You helped me a great deal this time.
[方] 请问,几点钟了?
[中] 请问几点了?
[英] What time is it?
[方] 请问,需要萨伐?
[中] 请问,还需要什么吗?
[英] Is there anything else I can do for you, please?
[方] 一道长大额朋友帮读书晨光额朋友。
[中] 一起长大的伙伴和上学时的同学。
[英] They are my peers and schoolmates.
[方] 吾必须先走了。
[中] 我必须告辞了。
[英] I have to go now.
[方] 侬萨辰光走?
[中] 你什么时候走?
[英] When are you leaving?
[方] 请侬刚响点。
[中] 请大点声。
[英] Please speak louder.
[方] 请问是民航售票处伐?
[中] 请问是民航售票处吗?
[英] Is this the Civil Aviation Ticket Office?