[中] 大众出租车公司的电话号码是多少?
[方] 伊晓得侬电话号头伐?
[中] 他知道你的电话号码吗?
[英] Does he know your phone number?
[方] 吾是阿拉公司个推销员。
[中] 我是我们公司的销售。
[方] 电话查号 114
[中] 电话查号台,号码是:114
[英] Directory enquiries, the number is 114.
[方] 请侬挠格号头记下来。
[中] 请记住以下电话号码:
[英] Please keep in mind the following telephone number:
[方] 侬要求额工资多少?
[中] 你要求的薪水是多少?
[英] What's your expectation in salary?
[中] 中午十二点左右,到我们公司的饭厅去吃午饭。
[方] 请问存款利息多少?
[中] 请问存款利息是多少?
[英] What's the interest on deposit?
[方] 电话报时 117
[中] 电话报时台,号码是:117
[英] Speaking clock, the number is 117.
[方] 报警电话 110
[中] 报警服务台,号码是:110
[英] The number for the Police Dispatch is 110.
[方] 现在日币告人民币个兑换率是多少?
[中] 现在日元和人民币的兑换率是多少?
[方] 火警电话 119
[中] 火警电话,号码是:119
[英] The number for the Fire Alarm is 119.
[方] 天气预报 121
[中] 天气预报台,号码是:121
[英] The number for Weather Forecast is 121.
[方] 诶米的离个的多少远啊?
[中] 那里离这儿多远?
[英] How far is it from there to here?
[方] 急救电话 120
[中] 急救电话,号码是:120
[英] The number for the First Aid is 120.
[方] 吾想打只电话,来三伐?
[中] 我想打个电话,行吗?
[英] Is it ok if I make a telephone call?
[方] 王强,侬看看,格地方多少漂亮啊。
[中] 王强,你看看,多漂亮的地方啊!
[方] 还是先去打扎电话算了。
[中] 还是先去打个电话吧。
[英] I'll go and make a call first.
[方] 等伊回来让伊打电话把吾。
[中] 等他回来让他给我回个电话。
[英] OK. Would you please ask him to call me when he's back?
[方] 么撒特别额。
[中] 没有什么特别的。
[英] Nothing special.