[中] 婚后,你们会要小孩吗?
[英] Do you want to have a baby after marriage?
[方] 结婚以后,应该是更嘎好额朋友。
[中] 婚后应该是更好的朋友。
[英] then you shall be more intimate after you get married.
[方] 拿要切点萨老酒?
[中] 你们要喝什么酒?
[英] Would you like anything to drink?
[方] 会的落雪伐?
[中] 会下雪吗?
[英] Is it going to snow?
[方] 会的落雨伐。
[中] 会下雨吗?
[英] Is it going to rain?
[方] 拿窝里相宁老好额。
[中] 你们家里的人很好呀。
[英] Your family are friendly.
[方] (亻那)几位?
[中] 你们有几位?
[英] How many of you?
[方] 晚春额晨光经常要落雨额。
[中] 晚春的时候经常会下雨。
[英] It often rains in late spring.
[方] “芭菲宝宝”是智能娃娃,会的刚,会的笑,会的要吃额。
[中] “芭菲宝宝”是智能娃娃。会说,会笑,会要吃的……
[方] 公交车会的挤伐?
[中] 公交车拥挤吗?
[英] Are the buses crowded?
[中] 要一张夜航的票价可以打对折吗?
[方] 侬额建议,吾会的宁真考虑额。
[中] 对你的建议,我会认真考虑。
[英] I will take your suggestion into serious consideration.
[方] 才会的好额。
[中] 一切都会好的。
[英] Everything will be right.
[方] 有撒好事体伐?
[中] 有什么好事吗?
[英] Anything good happening?;Any good news?
[方] 侬现在到啊里得去啊?
[中] 你现在要去哪?
[英] Where are you going now?
[方] 伐管哪能,才要谢谢侬额。
[中] 无论如何,都要感谢你。
[英] Thank you all the same.
[方] 侬是从广州来额伐?
[中] 你是从广州来的吗?
[英] Are you from Guangzhou?
[方] 伐会的嘎差额。
[中] 不会那么糟。
[方] 事体总归有的解决额办法额。
[中] 事情总会有解决的办法。
[方] 学习难伐?
[中] 学习难吗?
[英] Do you have any difficulty in study?