[中] 这些天一直愁眉苦脸。
[英] He has been wearing a sad face all these days.
[方] 希望伊欢喜格扎礼物。
[中] 希望她喜欢这些礼物。
[英] Hope she will like these presents.
[方] 格几年吾一直努力工作。
[中] 这几年我一直努力工作。
[英] I've been working hard all these years.
[方] 搿眼人做啥事体额?
[中] 这些人是干嘛的?
[方] 侬生日啊里一天啊?
[中] 你的生日是哪一天?
[英] What date is your birthday?
[方] 格几天麻烦侬了。
[中] 这几天来给你添了很多麻烦。
[方] 侬好多住几天伐啦?
[中] 你不能多住几天吗?
[英] Couldn't you stay for another few days?
[方] 天晚了,吾要回去了。
[中] 天晚了,我要回家了。
[英] It's getting late, I'm going home.
[中] 在家休息一天,比上班还累。
[英] Taking a rest at home a day is more tiring than working.
[方] 新额一天开始了。
[中] 新的一天开始了。
[英] A new day has come.
[方] 后天礼拜一。
[中] 后天是星期一。
[英] The day after tomorrow will be Monday.
[方] 前两天刮大风,天气增冷。
[中] 前两天刮大风,天气还真冷。
[英] The wind blew a lot in the last few days, and was really cold.
[方] 一天比一天暖热。
[中] 一天比一天暖和。
[英] It is getting warmer day by day.
[方] 天老高,老蓝额。
[中] 天空很高,很蓝。
[英] The sky is high and blue.
[方] 医生,吾格两天老伐适宜额。
[中] 医生,我这几天很不舒服。
[英] Doctor, I've been feeling under the weather these days.
[方] 侬个种情况有几天了?
[中] 你这种情况有几天了。
[英] How long have you got this symptom?
[方] 侬最好登了床浪相休息一两天。
[中] 你最好卧床休息一两天。
[英] You'd better stay in bed for one or two days.
[方] 吾兴奋得来一夜天么睏着。
[中] 兴奋的我一夜都未睡着觉。
[英] I was so excited that I was awaken the whole night.
[方] 侬回到家乡去住几天日脚?
[中] 你回家乡住多少天?
[方] 昨日落了一天额雨。
[中] 昨天下了一天雨。