[中] 三室两厅两卫,建筑面积是一百三十六平米。
[中] 我要一室一厅的房子,面积在四十平米左右。
[方] 明朝下半天两点半额飞机。
[中] 明天下午两点半的飞机。
[方] 两额宁总归观点伐一样。
[中] 两人很难有统一的观点。
[英] And they always hold different standpoints.
[方] 我辣辣淮海路850号602室。
[中] 我住在淮海路850号602室。
[方] 前两天刮大风,天气增冷。
[中] 前两天刮大风,天气还真冷。
[英] The wind blew a lot in the last few days, and was really cold.
[方] 占建筑总面积百分之几?
[中] 占建筑面积百分之多少?
[方] 请把吾两只汉堡。
[中] 请给我两个汉堡。
[英] Please give me two hamburgers.
[方] 吾坚持每额礼拜爬两趟山。
[中] 我坚持每周爬两次山。
[英] I am used to climbing mountains twice a week.
[方] 伐来三,绝对伐可以。
[中] 不行,绝对不行。
[英] No, absolutely not.
[方] 吾想打只电话,来三伐?
[中] 我想打个电话,行吗?
[英] Is it ok if I make a telephone call?
[方] 存款有定、活两种。
[中] 存款有定、活两种。
[英] There are two types of deposit: fixed deposit and current deposit.
[方] 医生,吾格两天老伐适宜额。
[中] 医生,我这几天很不舒服。
[英] Doctor, I've been feeling under the weather these days.
[方] 伐好意思,请帮吾转过去来三伐?
[中] 打扰了,请帮我转过去行吗?
[英] Sorry. Could you please put me through to him?
[方] 阿拉要三碗饭。
[中] 我们要三碗米饭。
[英] We want three bowls of rice.
[方] 个两天伊额面孔老难看额。
[中] 这些天一直愁眉苦脸。
[英] He has been wearing a sad face all these days.
[方] 阿拉两额宁感情老好额。
[中] 我们俩感情很好。
[英] We have good relationship.
[方] 侬看个双鞋子来三伐?
[中] 你看这双鞋是否合适。
[英] Please try this pair of shoes on to see whether they fit.
[方] 伐来三,吾还要调点零钞票。
[中] 不行,我还要换些零钱。
[英] No, I would like to exchange some money.
[方] 到国外去度蜜月,过两宁世界。
[中] 到国外去度蜜月,过二人世界。
[英] going abroad for honeymoon and enjoying our romantic world for the time being