[中] 占建筑面积百分之多少?
[方] 搿搭小区绿地面积有多少?
[中] 这里小区的绿地面积多大?
[方] 诶米的离个的多少远啊?
[中] 那里离这儿多远?
[英] How far is it from there to here?
[方] 王强,侬看看,格地方多少漂亮啊。
[中] 王强,你看看,多漂亮的地方啊!
[方] 票子多少钞票?
[中] 票价多少钱?
[英] How much does the ticket cost?
[方] 来回票多少钞票?
[中] 往返票价多少钱?
[英] How much will the return fares cost?
[方] 从个的到机场有多少公里?
[中] 从这到机场有多少公里?
[方] 车费多少?
[中] 车费多少钱?
[方] 侬要挠多少钞票。
[中] 你要取多少钱?
[英] How much would you like to withdraw?
[方] 请问侬存多少钞票。
[中] 请问存多少钱?
[英] How much do you want to deposit?
[方] 请问存款利息多少?
[中] 请问存款利息是多少?
[英] What's the interest on deposit?
[方] 邮费多少钞票?
[中] 邮费多少钱?
[英] How much is the postage?
[方] 寄到北京要多少晨光?
[中] 什么时候能寄到北京。
[方] 侬要求额工资多少?
[中] 你要求的薪水是多少?
[英] What's your expectation in salary?
[方] 试用期多少晨光?
[中] 试用期多长时间?
[英] How long is the probation period?
[方] 工作多少晨光了?
[中] 工作多长时间了?
[英] How long have you worked?
[方] 有多少宁?
[中] 有几个人?
[英] How many were they?
[方] 是萨样子额刀,有多少长?
[中] 是什么样式的刀?有多长?
[英] What kind of knives? How long were they?
[方] 侬到上海来了多少辰光了?
[中] 你来上海多久了?
[方] 伊辣埃面的住了多少辰光了?
[中] 他在那住多久了?