[中] 为什么不早点说!
[方] 为啥勿听吾个闲话?
[中] 为什么不听我的话呢?
[方] 吾应该早点清醒。
[中] 我应该早点清醒。
[英] I should be clear about it early.
[方] 辰光勿早了,我要回去了。
[中] 时间不早了,我先回去了。
[方] 吾听伐清爽侬刚言话。
[中] 我听不清你说话。
[英] I can't hear you clearly.
[方] 维萨高考成绩伐好?
[中] 为什么高考成绩不好?
[英] Why did I failed in the college entrance examination?
[方] 听刚侬辞职了,维萨?
[中] 听说你辞职了,为什么?
[英] I heard that you have quitted your job. Why?
[方] 啊,侬维萨被辞退?
[中] 啊!你为什么被解雇?
[英] Ah! Why were you fired?
[方] 听是听得懂一眼眼,讲是讲勿来额。
[中] 能听懂一点,但不会说。
[方] 有句言话刚了好。
[中] 有句话说的好:
[英] A saying goes like this:
[方] 为啥搿两天一天比一天热?
[中] 为什么这两天一天比一天热?
[中] 明天上午10点钟,在食堂门口。
[方] 早浪相,吾挠闹钟开到5点40分。
[中] 早晨,我把闹钟上到5点40分。
[英] I'll set my alarm clock at five forty in the morning.
[方] 吾为啥一定要晓得呢?
[中] 我为什么一定要知道?
[方] 天气预报刚今朝是好天气。
[中] 天气预报说今天是个好天气。
[英] The weather forecast says that the weather is fine today.
[方] 侬想点萨事体?
[中] 你都在考虑什么?
[方] 摆老多桌,闹忙点。
[中] 大摆喜宴,热闹一番。
[英] I hope to hold an extravagant wedding reception to have a jolly time.
[方] “芭菲宝宝”是智能娃娃,会的刚,会的笑,会的要吃额。
[中] “芭菲宝宝”是智能娃娃。会说,会笑,会要吃的……
[方] 侬啥事体要骂宁家?
[中] 你为什么要骂人家?
[方] 早,切早饭了。
[中] 早上好,该吃早饭了。
[英] Good morning, it's breakfast time!