[中] 你是做什么的?
[方] 埃面一位是做啥额?
[中] 那位是做什么的?
[方] 侬是萨辰光来额?
[中] 你是什么时候来的?
[英] When did you arrive here?
[方] 侬现在做萨额?
[中] 你现在做什么呢?
[英] What are you doing now?
[方] 做萨才伐顺利。
[中] 做什么都不走运。
[英] I'm against all odds.
[方] 侬是从广州来额伐?
[中] 你是从广州来的吗?
[英] Are you from Guangzhou?
[方] 弄是来工作额伐?
[中] 你是来工作的吗?
[英] Do you come here to work?
[方] 做萨啊么精神。
[中] 做什么都提不起精神。
[英] Nothing interests me.
[方] 侬是小明对伐?
[中] 你是小明吧?
[方] 是额,吾是额,侬是?
[中] 是的,我就是。你是……
[方] 伐是,侬是萨宁?
[中] 不是,你是谁?
[英] No. Who is that?
[方] 伊拉哪能抢侬额背包额。
[中] 他们怎么抢走你的背包?
[英] How did they snatch away your bag?
[方] 请问侬是阿里位?
[中] 请问你是哪位呀?
[英] Who's speaking? Please.
[方] 吾来做则自我介绍。
[中] 我来做个自我介绍。
[英] Let me introduce myself.
[方] 要做进一步额检查。
[中] 请做进一步检查。
[英] You should make further examination, please.
[方] 请挠侬额联系方式留下来。
[中] 请留下你的联系方式。
[英] Please leave your contact information.
[方] 侬包里有点萨么子?
[中] 你背包里都有什么东西?
[英] What do you have in your bag?
[方] 要做抽血化验。
[中] 抽血化验一下。
[英] Please do blood test.
[方] 侬付现金还是拉卡?
[中] 你是付现金是刷卡?
[英] Cash or credit card?
[方] 侬做过个种工作伐?
[中] 你从事过这种工作吗?
[英] Have you undertaken this kind of job?