[中] 你今天去锻炼了吗?
[方] 乃弄得侬今朝吃力煞了!
[中] 搞的你今天累死了!
[方] 侬今朝下半天有辰光伐?
[中] 你今天下午有时间吗?
[英] Are you free this afternoon?
[方] 侬要走啦?
[中] 你要走了吗?
[方] 范刚,侬今朝看起来伐错。
[中] 范刚,你今天看起来不错。
[方] 侬今朝老好看额。
[中] 你今天真漂亮。
[英] You really look sharp today.
[方] 侬饭吃过了伐?
[中] 你吃饭了吗?
[方] 侬今朝哪能么上班?
[中] 你今天怎么没上班。
[英] Why didn't you work today?
[方] 检查检查,么子才带齐了伐。
[中] 检查一下,东西都带齐了吗?
[英] Check if you get everything packed.
[方] 侬早饭切过伐?
[中] 你吃早饭了吗?
[英] Have you had your breakfast?
[方] 侬回到家乡去住几天日脚?
[中] 你回家乡住多少天?
[方] 侬现在到啊里得去啊?
[中] 你现在要去哪?
[英] Where are you going now?
[方] 火车票买到了伐?
[中] 火车票买到了吗?
[英] Have you got the train ticket?
[方] 侬到搿搭转弯角子浪去乘地铁。
[中] 你到那边拐弯角上去乘地铁。
[方] 伐好意思,吾今朝下半天么辰光。
[中] 对不起,今天下午没有时间。
[英] I'm sorry. I don't have time this afternoon.
[方] 今朝有点冷,穿绒线衫。
[中] 今天有点冷,把毛衣穿上。
[英] It is a little cold today, put on your sweater.
[方] 妈妈,今朝有朋友到窝里相来白相。
[中] 妈妈,今天要有朋友到家里玩。
[英] Mum, a friend of mine will come to visit us today.
[方] 埃面点报纸末,侬告伊送得去。
[中] 你把那里的报纸给他送去。
[方] 寻老板谈过伐?
[中] 找老板谈了吗?
[英] Have you had a talk with your boss?
[方] 今朝闹钟么响。
[中] 今天闹钟没响。
[英] Today, the alarm clock didn't work,