[中] 你要活期存款,还是定期存款?
[方] 活期额一年利息是0.72。
[中] 活期存款年利率是:0.72。
[方] 侬想要头发剃得长点还是短点?
[中] 你想要长一点还是短一点?
[中] 定期存款三个月至五年利率不同。
[英] The interest rate for the fixed deposit varies with the time span (from three months to five years).
[方] 侬欢喜阿里一块?个块还是埃块?
[中] 你喜欢哪块?这块还是那块?
[方] 侬要走啦?
[中] 你要走了吗?
[方] 明朝侬九点钟要到搿搭来。
[中] 明天你要9点钟来这里。
[方] 还是吾自己来介绍伐!
[中] 还是我自己介绍吧。
[英] Please let me introduce myself.
[方] 侬要尽最大额努力去完成。
[中] 你要尽最大的努力去完成。
[方] 侬要挠多少钞票。
[中] 你要取多少钱?
[英] How much would you like to withdraw?
[方] 伐过,爸爸还是怪吾。
[中] 但父亲还是责备我。
[英] But my father still blames me.
[方] 存款有定、活两种。
[中] 存款有定、活两种。
[英] There are two types of deposit: fixed deposit and current deposit.
[方] 请问存款利息多少?
[中] 请问存款利息是多少?
[英] What's the interest on deposit?
[方] 侬要喝啥饮料?
[中] 你要什么饮料?
[方] 轻一眼还是重一眼?
[中] 轻点还是重点?
[方] 再好眼个,像搿能样子个,侬要伐?
[中] 比这种再好一点的,你要吗?
[方] 侬是拉卡还是付现金?
[中] 刷卡还是现金?
[方] 侬要干汏还是湿汏啊?
[中] 你要干洗还是湿洗?
[方] 才好伐?
[中] 一切还好吧?
[英] How's everything?
[方] 拿爸爸妈妈呢, 伊拉好伐?
[中] 你父母呢?还好吧?
[英] What about your parents? Are they all right?